The aim of this report is to present the electronic gadget I use regularly, which in my case is a smartphone and show its capabilities and the ways it can be used.
Nowadays mostly everyone has at least encountered, if not owns a smartphone and is very aware of it’s capabilities. From phones original capability, being able to contact anyone from any distance and part of the world, smartphones have come a long way. It seems like it’s ability to actually talk to people is the least used and now people turn to texting, emailing or videochatting among many other communication capabilities it holds. It is capable of taking pictures, recording videos, playing music, connecting to internet and can basically do everything for which you needed a number of gadgets in the past and it is really true when people say you have a whole world in your pocket.
What it can be used for
Considering smartphones are used by children, but also by working adults, it can be used in many ways and for many different situations. The entertainment aspect of phones is something that attracts younger generations from millions of games and quizez you can find in app stores and online. You can even use it to read a book. Online shopping is also possible and you can do mostly anything without having to leave the comfort of your home. People even lead their whole jobs through just a few clicks and it’s extremelly impressive in how much ways you can use such a small gadget.
Considering all it’s capabilities and ways in which it can be used,I would consider smartphones one of the best inventions ever created. It meets my personal needs perfectly, from waking me up in the morning, to providing me with information and entertainment and I’m really excited to see what the future of technology and smartphones has in store for us.